Lathanderites – Flare and Agrivain of the Unbeheld Visage

Flare (Fire Genasi – Barbarian – Path of the Zealot) and Agrivain of the Unbeheld Visage (Aasimar – Warlock – Celestial Patron, Pact of the Tome)

I played these two for a one shot last year and had a lot of fun. It was a side quest for one of our PCs who is an Aasimar Monk/Sorcerer in service to Lathander the Morninglord. These two were also Lathanderites caught up in some rites at the Spires of Morning.

Flare is a fire genasi who struggles to control his literally fiery temper through faith. He strives to emulate the sun, which can burn but also warm and comfort. His tattoos are symbolic of the restrictions he tries to place on himself.

Agrivain of the Unbeheld Visage is actually a revival of a 4e PC of mine, an Invoker. Years before The Mandalorian I had the idea of a character who would lose his holy powers if he ever let anyone see his face. This translates well to a Warlock’s pact.

The adventure ended, naturally, with the main PC finding favour with Lathander and the others not doing quite so well. I don’t think Agrivain, who has been raised to believe he is the chosen one, has taken kindly to this loss.

So I hope I’ll get to play one or both again.

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